Front page
Handbook information
Part 1: Cochrane reviews
Part 2: General methods for Cochrane reviews
Part 3: Special topics
13 Including non-randomized studies
14 Adverse effects
15 Incorporating economics evidence
16 Special topics in statistics
17 Patient-reported outcomes
18 Reviews of individual patient data
19 Prospective meta-analysis
20 Qualitative research and Cochrane reviews
20.1 Introduction
20.2 Incorporating evidence from qualitative research in Cochrane Intervention reviews: concepts
20.3 Qualitative evidence synthesis
20.3.1 Exemplar of synthesizing qualitative evidence to supplement a Cochrane Intervention review
Box 20.3.a: Directly observed therapy and tuberculosis: a synthesis of qualitative evidence- summary
20.3.2 Methodological issues
20.4 Chapter information
Box 20.4.a: The Cochrane Qualitative Research Methods Group
20.5 References
20.6 Further selected reading
21 Reviews in public health and health promotion
22 Overviews of reviews
Additional material