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Table 17.3.a: Definitions of selected terms related to quality of life



Functional status

An individual's effective performance of or ability to perform those roles, tasks, or activities that are valued (e.g. going to work, playing sports, or maintaining the house). 

Health-related quality of life (HRQOL)

Personal health status. HRQOL usually refers to aspects of our lives that are dominated or significantly influenced by our mental or physical well-being.

Quality of life (QOL) 

An evaluation of all aspects of our lives, including, for example, where we live, how we live, and how we play.  It encompasses such life factors as family circumstances, finances, housing and job satisfaction. (See also health-related quality of life).


Subjective bodily and emotional states; how an individual feels; a state of mind distinct from functioning that pertains to behaviours and activities.