This is an archived version of the Handbook. For the current version, please go to or search for this chapter here.  Role of the Trials Search Co-ordinator

The Trials Search Co-ordinator for each CRG is responsible for providing assistance to authors with searching for studies for inclusion in their reviews. The range of assistance varies according to the resources available to individual CRGs but may include some or all of the following: providing relevant studies from the CRG’s Specialized Register (see Section for more detail), designing search strategies for the main bibliographic databases, running these searches in databases available to the CRG, saving search results and sending them to authors, advising authors on how to run searches in other databases and how to download results into their reference management software (see Section 6.5). Contact your Trials Search Co-ordinator before you start searching to find out the level of assistance offered.


If a CRG is currently without a Trials Search Co-ordinator authors should seek the guidance of a local healthcare librarian or information specialist, where possible one with experience of conducting searches for systematic reviews.