This is an archived version of the Handbook. For the current version, please go to or search for this chapter here.  New citation versions of reviews

A Cochrane review may be re-published as a new citation version. Only an update or an amendment can be given this status. Authors and CRGs jointly decide whether a review should be classified as a new citation version. There are six explicit criteria for classifying a review as a new citation version, and these are described in Box 3.2.c. With three specific exceptions (essential corrections to conclusions, urgent incorporation of new information and essential changes to the citation of the review), only updated reviews are eligible to be new citation versions.


New citation versions are further classified as ‘conclusions changed’ or ‘conclusions not changed’. Reviews marked as ‘conclusions changed’ are highlighted in the CDSR.


Reviews may be updated or amended between publications of new citation versions, and these updated or amended reviews will be published in the CDSR without triggering a new citation. Thus it is critical that the extent to which a review is up to date is reflected in the ‘Date review assessed as being up to date’ field within the review (see Section 3.3.2).