Authors: Davina Ghersi, Jesse Berlin and Lisa Askie on behalf of the Cochrane Prospective Meta-analysis Methods Group.
Key points
A prospective meta-analysis is a meta-analysis of studies (usually randomized trials) that were identified, evaluated and determined to be eligible for the meta-analysis before the results of any of those studies became known.
Prospective meta-analyses enable hypotheses to be specified in advance of the results of individual trials; enable prospective application of study selection criteria; and enable a priori statements of intended analyses. As meta-analyses rather than multi-centre trials, they allow variation in the protocols of the included studies, while maximizing power in the pre-planned meta-analyses.
Prospective meta-analyses are usually undertaken by a collaborative group, and they usually collect and analyse individual patient data.
Protocols are important for prospective meta-analyses, and they may be published as protocols for Cochrane reviews. The Cochrane Prospective Meta-analysis Methods Group maintains a registry of prospective meta-analysis projects and is able to provide advice on their conduct.
19.2 The collaborative nature of prospective meta-analyses
19.3 The prospective meta-analysis protocol
19.4 Data collection in prospective meta-analysis
19.5 Analysis issues in prospective meta-analysis
Box 19.6.a: The Cochrane Prospective Meta-analysis Methods Group